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Support our School

Your support doesn’t just benefit our current students, but it also helps secure the future of GLCHS. The contributions we receive are instrumental in ensuring that we can keep the legacy of GLCHS vibrant and impactful for generations to come. Each donation, regardless of its size, is a stepping stone towards a brighter and stronger future for GLCHS and our students.

We thank you for considering this important act of support. Whether you’re an alumni, a parent, a friend, or just someone who believes in our mission, your donation can make a real difference. Help us in keeping the GLCHS legacy alive and flourishing, ensuring that future generations can benefit from the exceptional education and enriching experiences we strive to provide.

When material needs are met, we are able to focus on delivering a program that is safe, qualitative, and Christ-focused.

Therefore, a donation to GLCHS, regardless of where and how a donor chooses it to be applied, is an investment that pays eternal dividends.

Our annual fundraising goal is $400,000. Thank you to all who make a commitment to supporting our school financially.

If you do not yet support GLCHS, please prayerfully and carefully consider giving today.

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